The Realoscope of Ringgold Valley written by Lance Justin Peter Okones, illustrated by Christopher Trefz is a nice children's book. My kiddos at work liked the book too! I read
The Realoscope of Ringgold Valley to 15 of my friends during homework time. My friends had some good in sites on the book: "It would be neat if a Realoscope was real!", "Lisa is brave.", "The characters clothes look real and Brian's sweater looks like you can touch it.", "I know what moon dust is like now."
The Realoscope of Ringgold Valley has a good balance of facts and fiction.
I enjoyed being able to share a book that was very age appropriate, with no worries of words that I was uncomfortable sharing with the children in my program. I also liked that the main character were a boy and girl (it is good for children to see that boys and girls can just be friends-there tends to be teasing that they must "like" each other), I also like that there was a multicultural character and a cliff hanger!
The Realoscope of Ringgold Valley would make a great addition to your child's library. There are great illustrations and it is a great story to share!
Thank you My Milwaukee Mommy for the review!! -Lance
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